Make the most of Mother’s Day
Fiona Cooke, top maternity nurse and author of A Helpful Guide to a Happy Baby, has some tips to help you enjoy this special celebration of the wonderful world of motherhood.
This weekend is Mothering Sunday in the UK,
a day for mothers to be celebrated and honoured for all they do for their families. Becoming a mother is an amazing transition; whether you’re a first-time mum of a newborn or have enjoyed this special day before, I wish you a very happy Mother’s Day. As a maternity nurse, I’m on hand to help new mums navigate adjusting to motherhood. Here are my top tips for mother’s day treats.
A lie in. Top of every new mum’s list! If your partner can take the baby or the children for an hour or two, you can grab some extra sleep or just some peace and quiet to relax.
Breakfast in bed. Once children are big enough they love to make breakfast. When my girls were small I would get soggy cereals, spilt juice and a daffodil in a jar and I used to love it. But if your baby is small, your partner can treat you to something delicious, your favourite breakfast.
Pamper yourself. Whatever this looks like for you, make time for it today. Perhaps it’s a nice hot bath with essential oils, a long shower without interruption or doing your hair and make-up without worrying about someone crying.
An easy eating option. Maybe that’s a takeaway at home or heading out to lunch for a Sunday roast. If your baby is still small, feed them before you leave the house so they will sleep in the car seat or pram whilst you eat. If you don’t mind feeding in public then you can stay out as long as you like, but don’t feel guilty about going home to your comfortable spot to feed if that makes you happier. Don’t do anything that you are not comfortable with.
Fresh air or a snuggle on the sofa. If it’s a nice day then a walk is good for the soul but if you are feeling tired from a good lunch and you want to curl up on the sofa in front of the TV then do that. It’s your day of rest!
Cake and a cuppa. Put your feet up. Enough said!
Do all of these things as often as you can. Take care of yourself. You are no good to anyone if you allow yourself to get exhausted. A Helpful Guide to a Happy Baby has a little section on self care when your baby is born. The most important advice of all that I can give you is that when people give you advice, only take what works for you and your family. Nobody knows better than you what you and your little ones need. Say thank you and ignore what you don’t agree with. As a maternity nurse I can confidently say that whilst there are lots of things to try that will help you have a happy baby, not every baby or mum is the same. We’re all unique, and we should remember it every day.
Have an amazing Mother’s Day.
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A Helpful Guide to a Happy Baby
Having a new baby is very exciting, but it can also be quite daunting. This book aims to help you enjoy the first weeks with your baby and help guide them into a gentle and flexible routine that fits with your daily life, so you can carry on with some normality.
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